Issue #31 (Tespack, Olokun Minerals, NUU Food)
Energy On The Go / Mining Minerals In Water / Regenerating Roots
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Featured Companies
Tespack develops off-grid mobile energy solutions by combining hardware and software. Their vision is to supply energy where it is most needed such as education or medical purposes using the principles of Deep Empathy Development Approach. Tespack’s bags are fitted with solar panels that provide up to 300W of power to charge mobile devices such as laptops and phones. Projectors and speakers are included, so training and workshops can be delivered in any off-grid regions. The bag also uses connectivity technology and GPS technology to track all devices, monitor energy generation data, and help workers stay safe with anti-kidnapping features. They generate revenue by selling their products to retailers and small businesses where up to 70% of mobile phone users charge their phones. In collaboration with financial institutions, Tespack is able to charge a monthly software subscription feeTespack’s current customer base includes Audi, UNDP, UNICEF, Save the Children, World Vision, and a recent agreement in Zambia to power €400K of farming communities.
Co-Founder & COO: Caritta Seppa
Co-Founder & CMO: Yesika Robles
HQ: Espoo, Finland
Stage: Seed
Company Ask: Introductions to government agencies and NGOs in the US, Asia, or South America that focus on educational projects, i.e. local Red Cross, UNICEF, UNDP, Care, etc.
Olokun Minerals
Olokun Minerals extracts valuable metals and minerals from wastewater streams and creates products that can be used in concrete to build infrastructure, fertilizers for agriculture, and batteries for electronics and vehicles. Olokun Minerals seeks to capture brine waste from the desalination process before it empties out into the ocean and local water bodies. Unlike other mineral mining operations that use an ion exchange, they are exploring resource efficient ways to mine multiple metals and minerals simultaneously using water instead of hydrochloric acid.
Olokun Minerals was part of the NYSERDA sponsored Venture for ClimateTech program's first cohort and has been featured in Masdar City's Innovate program. Most recently, Olokun Minerals has been in Los Angeles CleanTech Incubator's Incubation Cohort 3 and through this incubator will be conducting their first pilot this summer.
Founder and CEO: Lacey Reddix
HQ: Laguna Beach, CA, USA
Stage: Pre-Seed
Company Ask: Looking to engage with companies who source raw materials for industrial use and with brine or wastewater producers looking for alternative solutions.
NUU Food
NUU is a Brazilian foodtech company that produces indulgent gluten-free products using an indigenous root: cassava. They are carbon neutral, made at the source, and work closely with smallholder farmers to shift from monoculture to regenerative agriculture practices. Their mission is to prove to SME's that they can produce delicious food while bringing a nature-positive approach to business. 585 tons of CO2 have been offset from their operations for Amazon Rainforest preservation and last year, they opened their own 1,400 square meters facility built with circular economy principles. They were chosen as one of United Nations 50 Best Small Businesses for exemplary consumer education on climate change and carbon footprints on their packaging in Brazil., and Forbes named CEO Rafaela Lenz as one of the 100 most influential women in agribusiness.
Founder & CEO: Rafaela Gontijo Lenz
HQ: Patos de Minas, Brazil
Stage: Series A
Company Ask: Seeking other SME's to partner with in the food industry around scaling regenerative food systems in Brazil.